13 May 2020

A tray dryer is basically a component that is used in the pharmaceutical manufacturing industry for material dying. The drying process is performed by circulating hot air through the specific chamber in which the material is contained. The tray dryer functions as a form of conventional drying system having fully enclosed insulated trays and chambers that are positioned over each other over the trolley. The dryers can be used for removing moisture or liquids from powders, bulk solids, continuous sheets, parts, and other liquids through the process of sublimation or evaporation. There are mainly two different types of dryers that can be found these days. The direct dryers work by convectively heating the item via direct application of heated air, some kind of gas, or any specific type of combusted gas product. The indirect dryers on the other hand heat a product conductively via a heated wall.

The tray dryer can be used to achieve the optimum drying results at all times. These dryers can help to perform the heating and drying through the conventional process. Basically it works like a double-walled cabinet using one or two doors. A high-density insulation material made up of fiberglass wool is used to fill the gap present between the two walls. This can help to avoid heat transfer. The doors of the tray dryer are equipped with gaskets. The mobile trolleys are fitted with stainless steel trays. The tray dryer system is fitted with a wide range of components such as a control panel board, a dedicated process timer, and a digital temperature controller. Numerous capacities of tray dryers are available in the market, ranging anywhere between 6 trays and 192 trays.

The tray dryer remains enclosed in an insulated chamber where the trays remain placed over each other on the trolleys. If you are working on a manufacturing process where it is very important to conduct heating and drying functions, then it is necessary that you make use of a tray dryer as it can be truly helpful. This makes tray dryers vital in numerous industries such as the pharmaceutical industry, chemical industry, dye, paint and color industry, and food products industry. When you are looking to dry the material, you need to put it in the trays and then get them exposed to the heat. This heat is created with hot air circulation process that can be achieved with steam generated from radiator coils or the electric heaters.

In order to make sure that the tray dryer you use functions in the best possible manner, it is imperative that you have blower fans appropriately installed close to the tray so that the hot air is transferred and circulated properly. The tray dryer can be managed and regulated through the smart use of the control panel. You can get them in different sizes and constructed bodies. Once you have a tray dryer installed in the working space of your pharmaceutical company, you can definitely enhance the functional efficiency of your business in a major way.